How to become a member

Membership is automatic if you attend one of our conference, and it lasts three years. So, for example, if you attended ILS2 in 2016 you became a member until ILS3, in 2019. Then your membership expired and had to be renewed.

You can also become a member without attending our conferences. It’s enough to pay a membership fee of 50€ to the ILS bank account, IBAN ES87 0237 0172 2091 6858 6550. Click here for more details.

If you pay the fee don’t forget to notify our treasurer Diego Rubiales ( and our webmaster Nelson Nazzicari (

Special issue for Legume Sciences

As announced in Granada, Legume Sciences is calling for contributions for a special issue titled “Advances in legume sciences: reflections of the International Legume Society conference 2023”. All ILS members can access to a 40% discount on this publication.

Please kindly check the special issue call for paper:

It is also listed on the journal’s call for paper summary page:

Executive Committee 2019-2023

Previous members of the executive committee.

Scientific Committee 2019-2023

World Soybean Research Conference 11

Soybean research for sustainable development 

18 – 23 June 2023, Vienna, Austria

Organized by:
Danube Soya organization

Conference goals

The aim of the World Soybean Research Conference is to promote soybean research and to encourage the global soybean community to interact and initiate discussions, aiming to give answers and raise new questions on the globally important crop, fundamental for food and feed supply. Soybean plays a key role in the development of environmentally friendly agriculture production.

The XVI International Lupin Conference

The Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE) and the Julius Kühn Institute – Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants are honoured to welcome you as the hosts of the XVI. International Lupin Conference under the auspices of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL).The conference will take place at the Radisson Blu Hotel in Rostock, Germany from June 19th until June 23rd 2023.

For all info go to the conference website: