8th International Legume Root Diseases workshop (ILRD8) postponed to October 06-07th, 2020, Rennes, France

Due to the covid-19 pandemic, the 8th International Legume Root Diseases Workshop (ILRD8), to be held in Agrocampus-Ouest, Rennes, France, is postponed to October 06-07th, 2020.

Abstract submission deadline for oral presentations extended to June 1st, 2020 !

Registrations open and abstract submission for posters until August 1st, 2020 !

Updated information on the ILRD8 website: https://workshop.inrae.fr/ilrd8/

For any questions, contact: contact-irld8@inrae.fr

We look forward to meeting you at the workshop in October !

8th International Legume Root Diseases workshop (ILRD8)

We are very pleased to announce that registrations to the 8th International Legume Root Diseases workshop (ILRD8), May 26-27th, 2020, Rennes, France, are now open !

Keynote talks from expert speakers will be supplemented by oral presentations and posters selected from abstract submissions in five sessions:

  • Session 1. Survey, occurrence and epidemiology
  • Session 2. Pathogen biology, population genetics & genomics
  • Session 3. Plant-pathogen-microorganisms interactions
  • Session 4. Genetics, genomics and breeding for resistance
  • Session 5. Integrated disease management

Please, register and submit your abstract for oral presentation on the ILRD8 website by February 21th, 2020. Please note: you must complete your registration in order for your abstract to be accepted.

For more information, please visit the ILRD8 website: https://workshop.inra.fr/ilrd8/ or contact contact-irld8@inra.fr.

We look forward to meeting with you at the workshop !